Hello, and welcome to the the web page about base ball bats !

While current-day base ball bats are used to hit base balls into runs (R), the history of base ball bats remains a mystery to most fans. The base ball bat is actually a type of the mammal bat, of the order Chiroptera.

Bats have forelimbs that adapted as wings, and they are the only mammals naturally capable of true and sustained flight. The Base ball bat, a type of bat, can fly very far, especially if the bat has taken steroids.

The sport base ball was also invented by bats, as they wanted to use their flying skills to play sports. As we all know, basket ball was invented by kangaroos, to utilize their pouches, and now you know about bats inventing base ball.

Base ball bats have since been appropriated in many ways, many times for vengeance.

Major League Base Ball (MLBB) is cool, but the best tribute to base ball I have seen in fiction is the base ball scene in Twilight. It is an homage to bats, the creators of base ball, and is a wink to bats as well, as the players in this game are vampires (which are a type of bat, as well).

This concludes my presentation about base ball bats. Thank you for reading, and stay curious! A small anecdote about myself: I live in Chicago, and for a very long time, I thought that the blue W on the white flag hanging in the windows was a reference to a previous president known as Dubya.

It was definitely a weird thing to reference in 2016, so I dug deeper and found that the W actually stands for Watermelon. For example, this watermelon:

i renamed my bed "baseball" so i wouldn't cry in it

— america's tweetheart (@kalehummus) July 27, 2017